Rob Lucas - Ultracyclist

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This website is about my ultra cycling events, backpacking, and other outdoor adventures. I would like to write up some of my old adventures but I have trouble even keeping everything updated. Check out my blog for my latest adventures, training, and whatever else I feel like writing about. Just remember that a bike ride isn't truly long unless it can't be started and finished in daylight. I guess if you're Alaska or some other place far north in the summer that might not be true.

In June of 2006, I attempted Race Across America (RAAM). If you don't know about RAAM, it has been called the toughest sporting event in the world. It's about 3,000 miles and in 2004 it was reported that the winner slept a total of 7 hours during the 8 1/2 days it took him to finish! In order to be an official finisher you have to average 250 miles a day for 12 days.

I rode strong for the first 1200 miles and had more fun than I expected to. Near the Colorado and Kansas border, we got caught in the worst wind storm that RAAM has had in 25 years. We had a pretty constant 30-40 mph cross-wind with gusts over 80 mph for 8 hours! I stopped paying attention to the tumbleweeds but when I saw a couple bushes going across the road I got a bit worried. As a result of leaning into the wind for so long, my pelvis rotated which then caused my IT band and muscles in my left leg to knot up. I went to a couple chiropractors and massage therapists as I tried continuing east. I never got to the point of being able to get much power out of my left leg and was in quite a bit of pain. By the time I was 45 miles from the Mississippi River, it was clear I wouldn't make the next time cut-off. I made the decision to ride to the Mississippi and drop out 1996.5 miles into the race. I hope to be able to attempt it again in the next few years. Money and the time to train will be the 2 biggest things that affect when I attempt it again.

This year I planned to go back to mostly long mountain bike races but summer has already passed and I haven't even raced. I've just had too much else going on to have time to train. My plan for 2008 is to do what I planned to do this year. Most likely at least a 100 miler and a 24 hour solo mountain bike race. I'm also interested in doing the Hoodoo 500. If you want to help me continue my crazed, ultra endurance adventure you can donate money using PayPal or use my cycling and outdoor gear search when you need new gear.

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